
Conflict Minerals Statement

SunTech Medical is committed to complying with all national and international law, rules and regulations regarding human rights.

In response to violence and human rights violations in the mining of certain minerals from the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has adopted rules relating to "conflict minerals", as directed by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010. The four most prominent "Conflict Minerals" are Cassiterite (tin), Wolframite (tungsten), Coltan (tantalite) and gold ore.

Sun Tech Medical does not purchase any minerals directly from smelters or mines and there are multiple levels of suppliers between Sun Tech and smelters/mines through which components are sourced.

To the best of our knowledge, Sun Tech Medical does not purchase materials or componentry that contain "Conflict Minerals".

Rob Sweitzer

President/ CEO

SunTech Medical, INC

To download a signed pdf of this statement, click here.

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